Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Shawn Gerety Drug Convictions

Shawn T. Gerety of BuildTrend has a record of Pennsylvania drug crimes.

Gerety was arrested in Indiana County, PA in October 1994 and charged with Use and Possession of Drugs and Drug Paraphanalia.  He pleaded guilty to the misdemeanor and paid a fine.

Gerety was then arrested by Pennsylvania State Police in Franklin County, PA in March 1995 and charged with Manufacturing, Delivering or Possession with Intent to Deliver Controlled Substances.  He ultimately pleaded to Felony - Delivery in November 1995 and was imprisoned in the Franklin County Jail in Chambersburg from February 1996 until parole-probation in April 1996.

Perhaps drug convictions at age 25 are not relevant to Shawn's contractor businesses now. Or maybe they are.

Some victims of Shawn's contractor fraud schemes are wondering if perhaps some of the money he collected for home improvement projects that would never start or advance beyond the demolition stage actually went to pay drug-related debts.  We are also hearing of a number of other theories about where the money may be.  Unfortunately for customers, very little of the funds he collected recently has gone to work on BuildTrend's contracted projects.

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