Friday, February 24, 2017

Gerety update from E.Thomas

This letter was submitted to the blog by E.Thomas.  This blog will default to anonymity unless one who submits information asks for attribution. 

Good day,

This letter is in regard to Sean (Shawn) Gerety, who was arrested in Ocean City, MD on December 1, 2016 and then extradited to DE.

Sean has made numerous statements that once he gets his passport back from the State of DE, he will be forever leaving the US, never to return.

Sean has numerous outstanding debts.

We believe that he owes his landlord approximately $12,000, when he resided at 7001 Atlantic Avenue, Ocean City, MD, which is where he was arrested.  It is also believed that he owes his ex-wife in excess of $15,000 in back alimony and child support.

In addition, he owes several subcontractors living in Wicomico County, MD, tens of thousands of dollars.  One of these subcontractors accosted him in a road rage incident, where Sean sought refuge in the Town of Berlin Police Department (I'm sure the local police have a report on this 2016 incident)

He also owes a former construction manager $1500, his former accountant (who quit on him when he learned the specifics of how Sean does business) $1200.  In addition, Sean will owe a sizeable amount of taxes that he will not be reporting to the IRS for the 2016 tax year.  Sean also owes $6600 to a customer by the name of Pablo Foranda, 31299 Terry Circle, Bethany Beach, DE, 19930.  Which is in addition to civil litigation filed against Sean by the State of PA.

Sean is STILL operating BayBreeze Exteriors, he has 100% sole control of the funds, numerous bank accounts, including PayPal accounts.... 

Sean has told many people that he and his attorney would just strike a deal with the State of DE whereby he would negotiate ONE settlement and plead guilty to ONE felony in return for his passport and reduced settlement for which he would pay 50% now and then 50% when his passport is returned to him.

Once Sean is given his passport back, he will immediately flee the US and fly to Romania when his fiancé' awaits.  Sean will never return to the US due to the economic burden the total extent of which will never be known.  Once Sean marries his fiancé', Iulia Nicola, he will then take her last name and become Sean Nicola and live in Romania.  Given the economy of Romania, Sean will never make the money he would need to pay back the settlement owed in the US, nor will he have any intention to do so.  Once Sean is on the airplane, he will never look back again.

Sean has only one goal, get his passport back and flee the US without having to pay another dime.

Sean had always leased several luxury vehicles, all of which have been repossessed when his money gets tight.  He has recently made attempts to purchase a vehicle in the Lancaster PA area and you can be that he will default on the loan payments should he be allowed to leave the US.

After reviewing his bankruptcy filings in Federal Court, he listed approximately $3800 in tangible assets and $1,364,988 in liabilities.  Allegedly his attorney quit after the court learned Sean was hiding assets.

How in the world did he make off with more than $1.3 million in cash, goods and services????  He owns nothing of record in the US ---- look for that money overseas.

Since he ran out on his lease in Ocean City, MD, he has been spending time in Lancaster, PA, specifically he interchanges between the Days Inn and Classic Inn on Route 30 East in Lancaster PA.  He has been paying for these motel stays with proceeds from BayBreeze Exteriors.  There is the possibility that his fiancé' is sending him money too, and we can't help but wonder if she has access to his overseas cash stash.

Again, once he gets that passport back, he will leave the US and never return, nor honor any of the countless obligations he has run up. 

If you really want to make your DE residents who have been scammed by him get their money back before you let Sean go.

Last known phone number for Sean is 443.365.3202

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3/06/2017

    He must have gotten his passport. He got married this past weekend to Iulia Nicola.
